so perhaps the rant will make sense here.
But if you know somebody who is a member of the RPGA I can tell you this... they are exactly what comes to mind when people think Gamers.
Socially challenged
Oh and no manners, and that is for starters.
They had their meeting at the local game store yesterday, and yes as usual they left a mess behind. But you know what the problem is? When their attitude... WE ARE the RPGA... and we are BETTER THAN YOU and we play the ONLY REAL GAME OUT THERE... not only is scary, but damaging to the hobby.
I know the history of it. I also know the THEORY behind it, as well as the fact that it was supposed to be the Role Playing Gamers Association, not the DND players Association. Yes, they were supposed to have things like Living Seattle (Shadowrun) and Living Solaris (Mechwarrior) and Living Haven (Haven City of Violence) and so on. But local chapters have over the year only DONE DnD, the only game they recognize, the holy grail and all that. And these days the RPGA is the butt of many a bad joke.
So if any of you are readying this and know the RPGA... well the clique is now doing quite a bit of damage to the hobby.
Oh and as to the obese... it is part of what people think about gamers... yep being pudgy is part of it. It is bad when chairs start collapsing. That is when you should think there is a problem... here.
Oh and soap would be a good idea too.
Rant off