but I don't recall having a problem with that part, so I don't have a personal strategy to offer.
This is the advice from the walkthrough at Gamefaqs:
"After that, move up and when he goes north, follow and jump in for cover. Move
up and on the other side you will come under sniper fire, so jump into the next
building. Up the stairs Reznov will be bait. He will run across and the sniper
will be in the top floor, in the window on the corner of the building; you
should try to snipe him the first time. Then your pal will play bait one more
time, but wait about three seconds before you hold your aim as he takes a while
to draw the sniper out. If you fail, just get into a shadowed area and I sure
hope you can get him when he pops out of the same window a third time. If you
don't you'll enter a game of cat and mouse where you must move as he does.
You can move to different shadowed areas but he will keep moving along the
same line and not hop around, so best of luck, it's tough."