OK, I was gone for a bit because my star ran out but some kind soul decided to donate for me (thanks, whoever you are!)
They released a one track, one car demo a few weeks ago and I really have played the hell out of it. It can be played until 1/25/2010 so there is still a few days left if you have not tried it. The available car is a Nisson something... they don't just come out and say what it is and I don't know Nissons well enough to know. It comes in two flavors, tuned car and normal car. The available track is "Road Course: Indy", I'm assuming it is a made up track and not a real one but I'm not positive. It is a long track with even the best times (they are tracked online and can be looked up, compared to... damn, you can even download any ghost and race against it... freakin sweet) take over 1:30.
The physics - Spot on, anything less would have been unacceptable but Polyphony Digital came through once again. I thought damage was going to be included but seems to not be in the demo... maybe I remember wrong or maybe it is just not included, anybody know?
The Options - Looks like there are a bunch just to set your car up for the race but most are disabled for the demo. Also, no shop to but things or make adjustments but I expect they will be in the full version.
The graphics - The car and track are amazing, the stands and crowd... not so much. The people still look like cardboard cut outs, WTF is up with that? There are three views while racing, third person (or chase view), cockpit and first person (my favorite).
Fun Factor - I really dig this series. It is hard, wicked hard because it is very realistic but man I really dig this :D Screaming around the track in first person view mode after a few drinks and with 1080p is just sick, heh.
Bottom line - Best realistic racing game ever... Provided they decide to include my car this time :D With over 1000 cars, I'll be wicked pissed if they leave this shit out: