These are a collection of animated shorts (each are about 14 minutes long, and then each with 7 minutes of CREDITS - I kid you not)
The first SEVEN OF EIGHT episodes are straight Anime.
The Matrix was ripped straight from Anime, so the Animatrix was a logical extension, but Halo's got nuthin' to do with Anime. first four (half) of the episodes are REALLY SLOW and boring. The "animation" (in quotes) is little more than zooming in and out of illustrations with a LOT of voice over. They gives some back story on the HALO story, but you'd find out as much playing the games.
The last episode is the only one worthy to be compared to the games. Fully computer generated, it's more like "Final Fantasy" or "Appleseed" and if they were all like episode 8, I'd say it would be worth it.