Any other players here? If not, you should check it out: www.improbableisland.com
It's an almost 100% text-based, free MMORPG, written with a great deal of humor (especially Monty Python-Douglas Adams kinds of stuff)
The plot is that you have been sucked into a giant reality show called Improbable Island. The goal of the game is to find and defeat the Improbability Drive. However, once you do that, which only happens after level 15, you are sent back to level one, with slightly higher stats, and more weapons and armor unlocked to buy. Therefore, it is more-or-less infinitely playable.
The game cycles by "days," which are 4 real-time hours long. At the beginning of each day, your stamina and health are replenished, and you receive interest on any cash you have in the bank.
The players are a lot of fun, and the writers are very creative. The game rewards exploration and trial-and-error. And if you do get stuck, the players are always more than willing to help you (as long as you stay in character).
If anyone starts playing, my character is called Uncle Nutsy; my house, under construction, is one square northeast of NewHome, where newbs start.