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Yet another rant, this time about Lego Harry Potter

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realisticphish Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jul-05-10 04:08 AM
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Yet another rant, this time about Lego Harry Potter
Shut up, I know, but Lego games are awesome.

I got it today, and after the first 3 hours of play, I had a total game-ending glitch. Fine; I restarted. After five hours of play, ANOTHER fucking game-ending glitch.

There's a part where you are forced to have two particular characters with you. While you are traveling through the castle, which is inaccessible as free-play, you're required to go through a door which is only accessible by one character. I guess you are just supposed to have done it before. Well, I hadn't gotten around to it. And now I can't continue in the game, at all, because of the autosave. There is no way that I can figure out to go back and fix it. There's no cheat that would do it, either.

I've NEVER had a problem like this with other Lego games. You have a base area (Cantina, College, or Bat Cave, depending on the game), and that branches out into the different levels/chapters/what have you. But in HP, you have the "base," Diagon Alley, but you also have the castle, which is this limbo zone that you are somewhat free to explore, but can trigger mandatory missions while walking around. That's what has happened; I have the necessary character until I head through one particular door, and then a cutscene happens, and I'm fucked.

It's just goddamn frustrating, and I really don't know if I'm willing to play through 50% of the story, AGAIN. And without the ability to skip cutscenes.

Ok, rant off. I promise I'll eventually post something that ISN'T whining... :)
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ZombieHorde Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-06-10 09:38 AM
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1. Are you playing on the PS3? nt
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realisticphish Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-06-10 10:23 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. no, 360
I restarted, one more time. If I run into something AGAIN, I'm done, though. The thing is, I've read that while there are a lot of glitches, most people haven't run into game-ending ones. Maybe I'm just unlucky
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ZombieHorde Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-06-10 10:32 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. Here is a message board for LEGO HP, 360...

This community may be able to help you out better than us.

The PS3 and WII versions have problems as well, hopefully a patch will be released.
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