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I had a very vivid World of Warcraft dream last night

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Inchworm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Oct-31-10 03:12 PM
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I had a very vivid World of Warcraft dream last night
LoL - I posted in Lounge, then thought you guys may miss it.. so here it is :D

It was awesome. I quit -really- playing WoW after the Burning Crusade expansion. I did continue without raiding or grouping much through Wrath of the Lich King and have a few 80s. I plum quit about a year ago and don't plan to get Cataclysm.

Annnyhow...In my very vivid dream

I was a student at a World of Warcraft college. I wanted to skate through, so I registered as a complete n00b and was accepted into the program.

The first class dealt with creating an account, entering game-key(Cataclysm), determining a class, picking race, character naming, and general gameplay. There was this hot n00b chick in class and was debating on devoting so much time on the game, but we hit it off and became lab partners in the class.

We helped each other in play according to the syllabus. Once we got new accounts and picked toons, we got to assume the toons perspective and actually go kill stuff AS the toons. (when I raided a lot I commonly dreamed of being in the actual instance fighting) I chose to be a protection warrior and she was a warlock...both Worgens (although I despise Alliance). I had to totally hold back because if I out-leveled her I'd have to switch lab partners lol

Because we were under level 10 she had no pet and I had no taunt(I don't remember how true the pet thing was IRL, my lock was a bank toon). It was a series of hectic battles...but we lived. Once we logged off we were back in class as real people lol. We'd hang out and drink beer and talk about WoW. After a few beers, we decided that tomorrow we'd try to make the journey from Ironforge to Shadowfang Keep.

The dorm that we stayed in had a curfew, but was set up like a hotel. She got a call and was in panic mode and needed to get out of the dorm to see her mom. She wouldn't say what the deal was, but I decided to help her. We had a real life mission and were successful. Sooo, here we were in my 1969 Ford Falcon heading to her mom's house. I got stuck on a muddy road...

I was in a place I recognized and went to a friend's house that had a tractor to help us get unstuck. When dude arrived on the tractor he recognized the girl I was with and upset she was out running around with me lolol. Dude helped me get out of the mud and we were off... not far though.

My bud's neighbor was her mom. I overheard chick and mom discussing the dilemma. Evidently, mom was watching girl's baby while she was in college, but got called to active duty in the Navy. This all sucked to both the girl and I. We had plans! lol We arranged a babysitter.. lol.. (I've been watching Raising Hope on TV).. and the sitter was the unexperienced dude in that show. We were hesitant, but she knew him and decided all was well. We got in the Falcon and headed back to the dorm.

Then my freakin' dog stepped on my head because he needed out and woke me up!!!

I hope the dream continues tonight... she was hawt! :rofl:

Sorry, I kinda got on a roll typing out my dream.
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ZombieHorde Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Nov-01-10 02:07 AM
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1. I have only played WOW for about one hour, but I have had dreams about other video games. nt
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realisticphish Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Nov-01-10 02:54 AM
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2. Like ZH
I have dreamt about games... mostly Mass Effect, with a little Dragon Age in there too
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Perfect Ten Donating Member (40 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-30-10 10:32 PM
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3. I've been dreaming about Black Ops
I was setting claymores everywhere just the other night!!!
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bluedigger Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-30-10 10:45 PM
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4. In my inexpert opinion...
sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Get a girlfriend.
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lazarus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-10 01:44 AM
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5. I just started on WoW myself
because I need to have yet another time suck in my life. :eyes:
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