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Want a scary game? Amnesia on sale at Steam til New Year's

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Goldom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-26-10 05:49 PM
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Want a scary game? Amnesia on sale at Steam til New Year's
Normally $20, $10 right now. And utterly terrifying. I got it figuring, "well, I enjoy adventure/puzzle games, and it's not like video games ever scare me anyway." I take it back. It's just that until this, every game has relied on startling the player to scare them, which really isn't scary, since its over as soon as it happens. Not so here. It's got you creeping around pitch black hallways, afraid to turn on a light lest the evil things see you (oh and did I mention you have no defenses besides run and hide in a corner?), but slowly going insane whenever you aren't in the light.

It's really the only game I can think of (besides the developer's earlier game series Penumbra, which this is basically identical to) where the fear comes from KNOWING there's a hideous monster in your path, and you have no choice but to get by it with no way to attack. Also there is no quick save, which, even though logically I know it autosaves frequently, somehow makes it much more stressful.
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Occulus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-27-10 07:54 AM
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1. Steam has a LOT of deals going until early January.
I very very strongly encourage everyone who reads this to get a Steam account ASAP if you don't already have one. You will not be disappointed. Creating an account is free, and can be done at

I've heard a lot about Amnesia, but I haven't played it yet. From your description, it sounds a lot like the quieter areas of Dead Space- you know something is going to come out and try to murder you, but there's nothing down that hallway and you have to go down there and OH MY GOD WTF IS THAT THING!!!!! runrunrunrunrun *smell smell smell*


Steam really is the best online game distribution system ever. I have never had one single complaint (other than "but THAT one doesn't have a demo"). They have deals all the time, particularly on indie games I would never have tried or bought otherwise (such as Galcon Fusion, Shatter, Puzzle Dimension, The Undergarden, and many others). They also have top shelf titles from developers like EA, Bethesda, THQ, and more... often at lowered prices.

The Steam servers are fast and are always fast, updates come to you transparently (pushed, so there's no more "looking for a patch so this one will work"), and many- if not most- multiplayer games are Steam-enabled.

Stream is just golden. I love it, and I really hope everyone reading this who can get a Steam account does. It's worth it, in spades.
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Goldom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-27-10 11:17 PM
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2. Found a hilarious YouTube video of someone playing Amnesia
At least I wasn't as scared as this guy. Warning: cursing and loud screaming.
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