you Infinity Ward! The games screwed so just play with friends... are you shitting me? The games screwed but it is not our fault.... are you shitting me? The games screwed but don't worry there are just a few of them out there?.... Do you play your own fucking game?
Fuck you Infinity Ward... Just Fuck you.
You know, I was annoyed when I saw the leader boards were screwed but it is far worse then I thought, this game is seriously fucked, the entire online experience is screwed. It would be bad enough if it was limited to people having god mode, unlimited ammo or maxed out weapons and perks but it is even worse then that, far worse. They have the ability to totally screw your character and eliminate what you have achieved. Weapons, gone. Stats, gone. Custom characters, gone. Challenges, gone. They are even putting in foul terms as your "clan tag"... yes, even foul by my admittedly low standards, words even I don't use.
You can't stop it because you have no idea who is running this hack and it takes effect as you join a game. You enter the game and instead of holding your weapon of choice, you have a smoke grenade. Or perhaps you just start dying over and over again. Or perhaps you now have a banner running across the top of your screen advertising some scam site. Regardless of the particular attack, you are screwed.
Then... to top it off, fucking Infinity Wards just throws their hands up and says they can do nothing until Sony does something. I call bullshit. Get your programmers to work and patch your own fucking security holes. And fucking ban the people cheating. It's not like it is hard to determine who they are, just take a look at your fucking leader boards.
grrrr, I'm really fucking pissed off about this.