This Infinite looks both a lot more polished and a whole lot more spontaneous; it looks like it's someone actually playing the game in this video. It looks excellent.
This game looks like it will be one hell of a ride. I loved Bioshock (I haven't yet played its spiritual namesake), but was somewhat disappointed with Bioshock 2, which I finished handily.
From what I've seen of Infinite, though, they hired some new talent or themselves went back to school for a bit or something, because this one looks like it'll be what the other two tried to be and almost reached. The setting, the premise, the artwork (especially use of the full color palette), the audio, the level design, and the secondary characters all look to be dead-on this time (I love Elizabeth. I expect that character to be a good one).
I didn't think I would say this about any other game this year, but Infinite "feels" the same way Diablo 3 does in the sense that what we're seeing pre-release is very polished and stunningly well-done. There are others; id's Rage seems to fully realize the concept of the "nuclear wasteland with cities" that so many recent games have tried, but ultimately failed, to realistically depict. Skyrim does what Oblivion almost did, as we saw at E3, and does it beautifully well... I know I'm leaving something out, but 2011-2012 looks to be a very good period for the industry as a whole.
I think we're starting to see the sorts of games people have been clamoring for for years. The tech is finally in place to do some truly amazing things. We'll see what happens, but Infinite and so many others have me looking forward to the next twelve months or so.