It sounds as though maybe after you did the adventures in the harbor you made it to the market and did redfang, proof in the poison, and the swiped signet. From the market you can go to house deneth, house kundrick, and phiarian.
Take some time to explore, click on the gates and see which ones you can travel through to get to other adventures. In the upper left corner of your screen where your backpack is located there are other tools at your disposal. The one that looks like a book, the journal, will show you all (you won't see all of them at a low level, i think just up to level 7) of the quests and where to find them. Unfortunately the journal doesn't distinguish between pay2play quests and the free2play ones, so you'll just have to learn that as you go. The journal will reveal more quests as you advance in level.
Many of the people who play are really nice and willing to help a newer player. Don't be afraid to ask questions and don't be put off if you run into someone who is less then helpful. Further more, the ddo compendium is your friend. I find it invaluable when seeking information about ddo. And you are not a pain. I was helped by many good natured people to show me the ropes. People who play are just like people in real life. Some are power gamers and don't won't to take the time to help out a new player, others see it as a social game and are more then willing to lend a hand.
Best of luck to you, hope to see you around :hi: