Because, let's face it, pretty much every single console ever released has had a totally subpar launch library. I like to wait and see what ends up getting announced/released for a system before I take the plunge. A policy which has served me very, very well over the years. The only console I've ever bought at launch was the PS2, because having an immediate, quality library wasn't as important--it was a cheap DVD player (remember, this was before you could get DVD players for $30 at Target), and it had backward compatibility. I actually used the initial lull in decent games to catch up on a load of phenomenal PS1 RPGs I had missed out on due to the glut that came out around '99-'00.
Quite frankly, unless something crazy happens like Square decides to port Seiken Densetsu 3 to the DS, I think I'll be spending my money on a PSP instead. The sticking point for me is the fact that the DS isn't backwards compatible with GBC games. It may not be a big deal for you, but it is for me. Sure, you can play GBA games on it, which is probably more important, but I have a load of GBC (and original GB!) games that I still enjoy. I don't have many GBA titles because most of them are either a)the usual shovelware that gets released to popular consoles (ie Mary Kate & Ashley's Horsie Farm, Nicktoons licensed crap, etc.), b)a parade of rehashes and ports meant to capitalize on the NES/SNES nostalgia felt by 20-somethings like me. Most of which I already own on the NES/SNES, and feel no need to pay $35 for a portable version. Sorry Nintendo, not buying it, not even if you cleverly give it a name like "Mario Advance". Other than the Golden Suns, the Castlevanias and stuff like Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories...nada. Hell, my GBA sees more use as a peripheral for my Cube than for playing of actual GBA games.
I've see nothing to indicate the DS software situation will be any different; now they'll just be re-hashing N64 games. Which really won't work, seeing as there were maybe 5 total worth playing (and Majora's Mask wasn't one of them). They need to come out with some mindblowing games for this thing, and get other people to make mindblowing games for it. I'm talking about Super Mario 3 mindblowing. Street Fighter 2 mindblowing. Legend of Freakin' Zelda mindblowing. A Mario 64 port with a bunch of shitty Flash minigames? Not so much with the mindblowing. I KNOW they can do it--Jesus, can't they just lock Shigeru Miyamoto in a room somewhere with a bong and some munchies?
I don't want to sound like a Nintendo hater. I grew up on their consoles, and I love Zelda almost as much as I love FF. (Almost. :P) I really, really want to like this company. But they just manage to do the dumbest, most hardheaded shit over and over again, seemingly not learning from it. They've been able to get away with it with the GBA because they've pretty much had a monopoly on the portable gaming market since it was conceived. It's different this time, though. The PSP is selling insanely well in Japan. They just can't afford this dumb shit anymore, or they might find themselves ending up like Sega, whoring off Pokemon games to any console that will have them.