Even consumer credit companies rarely go after homes for, say, an unpaid appliance bill, Cochran notes; they may file a lien if they can't work out a payment plan. As a not-for-profit, Yale-New Haven should be more careful, not less, to avoid exacerbating the woes of people on hard times, he argues. "It's a terrible thing for a medical provider to be taking someone's house because they can't pay a bill," he says.
Amie would soon tell her story to other people, too. Including the staff of Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal. She'd prepare an affidavit for a lawsuit Blumenthal has brought against Yale-New Haven for its predatory treatment of poor patients. The suit accuses the hospital of hoarding $37 million in donations designed to pay for poor people's bills, profiting from the interest. (Yale-New Haven vehemently denies the accusations.)
http://www.pacifica.org/programs/dn/040107.html Are Debtor Prisons Returning To America?*
Some hospitals now rank among America’s most aggressive debt-collectors. Some also use one of the harshest and least-known collections tactics of all: seeking the arrest of no-show debtors.
Hospitals in several states have secured the arrest and even jailing of patients who miss court hearings on their debts. This legal tactic is chillingly known in some areas as “Body Attachment.”
Under current federal law and the law of most states, civil asset forfeiture allows the police to keep what they seize and forfeit. Not only do they get to keep it, but for the most part, they don't have to account for it. And even if they account for it, generally no one looks into where they got it, or what they did with it.
And you know some psychiatic medicines are controlled subtances?
http://www.fda.gov/fdac/features/2001/501_drug.htmlIf a cop picks you up on the street and he finds you are carrying your mandated psych medicines,how is he going to know you are not an addict(or assume you are lying) and put you in jail and forced treatment for the"drug war"? What if they find adderall or some other psychiatrist prescribed drug in a piss test..? A mandatory 3 to 15 day psych eval,until the cops get around to getting your shrink on the phone can drive lower income families into bankruptcy..And let the property sell off begin.
Do you see where this is leading?
I hope these links work
http://s57.advocateoffice.com/vertical/Sites PDF