Listen up!
I am not demanding that you throw away your meds.
I am speaking on my OWN behalf against bio psychiatry because My experience has been VERY different than yours with it.
I was FORCED to take medicines I did not want to take,literally pinned down and injected with them..TRhese medicines that did nothing. I have mild Tardikive Dyskinesia from all the Thorazine,Haldol Loxitane etc forced into me.I was on these drugs for years. Drugs are used too much to solve complex problems in people or society..Drugs are used FIRST listening last because listening takes time,training and tolerance and time is MONEY.
I was tortured in the mental hospitals..Unlike some of you.. I was given obscene amounts of medications, I was misdiagnosed and hurt by therapy.I am not trusting of the therapies that hurt me.
Not everyone has a good therapy experience.. Some people fear and do not trust psychiatry for good or very personal reasons despite the reactionary fears you may have about us anti psych evil vultures stealing your Elavil or Pamelor in the dead of night. Or tying up your therapists hands so he will not write out your prescriptions for you.. Come on..Get real people medicines are not gonna go away.
But I'd like the COERCION of patients by authorities and experts to stop.
Big pharmacy in reality is not always working for the public good,they are a FOR PROFIT corporation first and foremost.The public are not the shareholders,they are consumers..big pharmacy does not always do good or valid science in it's making of drugs,it pays for it's own studies and picks and chooses what results the studies find too much of the time.Selling drugs is their job. Remember first and foremost big pharmacy is about making big money and big money is about serving the cause of social control.The two things are like hand in glove. And questioning this"relationship" is what keeps the drugs and therapies you all take SAFE.
Alot of what motivates people in the psych arena is either fear or authoritarian . I know Meds might help some people get better or at least feel better. Good for them. Meds can suppress symptoms and show down painful parts of healing to help manage the process.They have uses. Psych drugs can be useful in the hands of a compassionate anti-authoritarian shrink to avoid crisis.But some people like me are hurt by bad therapy,bad medicines, and therapy can be undermined by all this medicine too.Medicines affect your consciousness. THAT is the whole reason as to why you TAKE medicines to begin with to alter your consciousness and hopefully relieve symptoms.
The people hurt by bio psychiatry are speaking out because they've been hurt and were not helped..And they have a right to their voice and POV too.
Go ahead take your meds if it helps you. I don't care what you do,
I just don't want to be FORCED to do what you do because everyone believes as you do.
I' not forcing anything on you by having my own POV. I am speaking of MY own experiences. I have a right to QUESTION the authority and expertise of an industry that forced me to take meds and suffer bad abusive"treatments" against my consent or will..Things done"for my own good" that in reality further traumatized me.
Being forced to take meds that made me SICK and hurt my body is a ugly abuse of authoritarian psych models.I am fighting against coercive abusive treatment being forced on people first and foremost.Chemical lobotomy is one way such abuses occur.
I had a roommate almost DIE from being given too much meds.It was scary..I almost died from a "treatment" procedure too .Meds have been used to keep me suppressed and docile yet inside unable to express it because of the drugs I still was in great pain and rage..I got discharged because all looked on the outside like I was better but inside I was not.I made suicide attempts. I have had the sudden suicidal impulses they talk about with Prozac I ran in front of an oncoming truck...I have a different experience of psychiatry than you guys do..And I must speak out for no one should have to go through it if they are aware of the pitfalls before they fall in. Information is power. And I had no information about how the drugs work or don't work,there was no INFORMED CONSENT on my part when I was abused by the system.I just had to do as they wanted and take what they gave me.
And please tell me..How many anti-psych people have forced people like you guys calling me a vulture, forced Any of you AGAINST YOUR CONSENT to go off your meds?
Can you get me some instances, places or numbers where anti psych people forced people NOT to take meds? Some reports with context? because I would want to condemn those anti-psych fools for forcing people off meds against their will because that makes them NO BETTER than the authoritarian bio psychiatrists forcing people to take meds against their will.
I want to compare how many people are forced by anti-psych people to NOT take meds against their will ..How do anti-psych people force people to NOT TAKE MEDS? Do anti psych people just make them go cold turkey and lock them in a room so they won't get at their medicines?
How do they do it?
It'd like to compare numbers of how many people who are ADULTS are forced off all their psych medicines against their consent.. VS .. to how many people are FORCED to take psych meds against their consent?
I think it's a good question to ask on all sides.
My own experiences and this philosophy below is what motivates ME to speak out against forced psychiatry.
Universal Declaration of Mental Rights We hold this truth.......
That all human beings are created different. That every human being has the right to be mentally free and independent.
That every human being has the right to feel, see, hear, sense, imagine, believe or experience anything at all, in any way, at any time.
That every human being has the right to behave in any way that does not harm others or break fair and just laws.
That no human being shall be subjected without consent to incarceration, restraint, punishment, or psychological or medical intervention in an attempt to control, repress or alter the individual's thoughts, feelings or experiences.