Some utility companies will let you work out a plan where you can spread your payments out evenly throughout the year. What they will do is estimate your use for the year, break it down into monthly payments, and you pay that amount each month. That way you don't have to worry about fluctuating bills as the weather changes.
They can also be a good resource for advice on how to insulate your windows, hot water heater, etc. to lower your electric/gas bills. This can be a great help, particularly in times of extreme temperatures. Also ask if they have different rates for various "use periods" of the day/week and year. For example, if you are using power during the day on a weekday, it is more expensive than in the middle of the night, or on a weekend because that is a "peak use" period. By limiting power hungry tasks (like laundry, vacuuming) to "off peak" hours whenever possible, you can reduce your bills.
For discount dial-up ISP's you can try places like Surf-Best, People PC, CompuServe or NetZero. (I'm sure there are more, but those are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head).
When grocery shopping, coupons can be helpful but they can also be a bit of a trap. They are usually for expensive brand-name items, and even with the coupon you'll often end up paying more for the item than you would for the "store brand" of a similar product. However if you play it right, you can buy the item when it is on sale at the store, and use the coupon to get even more off. Also look for stores that offer to double your coupons.
Store brands are usually the best bet for most items, although in a few cases only the brand-name will do. You'll usually have to use your own judgement/taste to determine when this will be. (For me, store-brand "Lucky Charms" stink!) Also, try to get the largest size of the product that you can be sure you'll use before it expires/spoils. This is the most economical way--unless it blows your budget for the week/month.
You may also be eligible for food/assistance from a food bank:
Food Bank InformationIf you use public transportation, some bus lines offer special discounted fares/passes for individuals with disabilities. Taxi services sometimes do the same thing also. In my area this service is called "Handi-cab".
I hope these ideas help!