My best epal buddy is in Alabama, fifty nine, inactive and with about five percent normal endurance.. but has had a flu shot.. November first.
Is it safe yet for him to go out, and thru crowds? His state is "sporadic" , according to the CDC map. Four levels,.. sporadic, local, regional and widespread. note that the chart at the Report's top gives no summary statistic. It has two fragmentary ones which are cautioned as not really showing the number of flu sneezers per hundred pedestrians one might walk thru.
Any expert here able to derive a good guess from the CDC's fragments , as to what the sidewalk percent of sneezers might actually be?
And what percent would be a fairly safe level for a disabled person.. like my elderly epal... to venture out amongst? ie, what percent of sneezers out there, create a low risk to my friend, say a risk of catching flu once if he ventures out a thousands times.
I realize there is SOME flu around even in June. I am not asking about total safety.
CDC flaws... i note the prose in the Report says "one state did not report", yet the map does not show such.
... CDC map shows mississippi as having no flu activity, yet theory says Katrina's huddled refugees, confused, stressed and oft without usual medicines... should be a hotbed of disease. Ditto La, yet it is shown as just above the no activity level. CDC never rises to explain this glaring oddity, .. nor did it explain, last week, the diverging trends of the bar graph vs. the line graph. And has never given the needed graph, a crossproduct of the bar and line stats. Nor the even more needed stat referred to earlier, a percent of flu spreaders on the sidewalks.
I wonder if Mississippi's folks are now too poor to go to a dr... or if the docs have gone far away to where folks have more money to give them ... and so the "sentinal physician network " of the CDC is shredded.
By not explaining glaring oddities, the CDC invites sharp criticism and distrust.
FOR ALL MY FRIENDS WHO ARE DISABLED.. a good fact to know.. for up to five days before a victim shows symptoms of flu, he can "shed virus", or in other words, spread the flu. That is what i read, correct me please if wrong. Experts, any opinion on this? Did i read that correctly? It is a key fact to know, if one is to survive the season.
TIP .. never touch the eyes, nose, mouth .. some add ear.. with the fingers. Cover the fingers with four layers of kleenex to scratch those areas. Never touch food or the food ends of a fork. Health workers .. some of them.. get several flu shots .. so they are protected by a shot every few months, all thru the year. Comments on this practice? Good for the feeble as well?
Has the CDC always been this snobbish, and unhelpful? Or is it due to the bush gang's cutting the budget?