Original Content at
http://www.opednews.com/articles/genera_kendra_p_061021... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
October 21, 2006
TV As The Cause of Autism Study
Message to the authors of the study at Cornell University.
First and foremost this is a perfect example of what happens when economists that know nothing of a medical condition try to find some statistical relationship between their beloved data and a condition.
The fact that this study went beyond a water-cooler joke and actually consumed the time, energy, and money required of such a study is beyond irresponsible, it is a slap in the face to the families devastated by this disease and the children who will suffer from it for their lifetime. The fact it was given any relevance and actually reported by someone in the media, as well as being officially announced by the University is reprehensible.
Anyone that seriously looks at the current Autism epidemic must be mindful and cautious of how they approach such a study. After all, this is the disorder once associated with cold and unloving "refrigerator Mothers". Beyond the accusation, many of these families had their children ripped from their arms and the mothers were forced into psychiatric treatment, including electro-shock therapy. The accusations, speculations, and stabs at families have not stopped, even after Dr. Bernard Rimland's clarification that this is a biological illness. Many still believe it results from 'bad parenting'.
We have recently seen other speculative research pointing at 'old dads' and now the most obnoxious and almost light-hearted approach to a serious life-altering ailment, watching television as a cause of autism. This study supports the idiots out there telling us if we would just play with our children and be a parent our kids wouldn't have this problem. So, now those of us with Autistic children it is to be believed, simply stuck our "infants" in front of a TV, again being cold, uncaring, bad parents. It wasn't said, but the insinuations are there all the same.
The first question to those conducting this study must be, "what was their knowledge of Autism before they embarked on this reckless research"?
Written by:
Kendra Pettengill
Roseburg, Oregon
Parent of an Autistic Child