hearing she is still in that special program. At the hearing the VRS person had a list of jobs he thought she could work at. The Judge asked that VRS person (vocational Rehabilation services) With my SO's limitations could she actually work those jobs on his list, the VRS person said no she couldn't. Btw, it's the VRS people that are telling my SO's case worker at welfare that she can work which is why she got the notice to start work first on the 27th. I told SO to contact her worker and lawyer, tell the worker she is still waiting for the judge's decision, her lawyer to let him know what FIA was trying to force her into.
I have a very long resentment against the VRS in this state because of personal experince with the do nothing service. I have yet met one disabled person they have actually done anything for. I was with them from 1975 until 1985, in that time I was put into one training postion, the VRS hired a machine shop to train disabled on machines, yet only 3 actually worked with machines, the rest of us were used for clean up type jobs, I worked in a sheltered workshop putting nuts on bolts for $20 bring home pay for a 40 hour week, they paid by the percentage of production the worker did. When it came to finding work, I was left up to search on my own without any help from my VRS worker, then when I found work and get fired or layed off, the worker kicked me out of VRS saying that I wasn't trying hard enough to get gainful employment, never once did the workers I have in that 10 year period bother with my disabilities nor did they bother to check out my limitations that was causing the firings or lay offs.