I had a fundee pedophile neighbor who was really psycho.But he abused my trust because at first he was nice to me,when it felt like the world wanted me dead, he and his son was my freind,until I found out the ugly truth he had very evil motives to his niceness. My psycho father,incest,Later as a teen, attempted rapes at school at halfway houses and residential housing .(I fought back those times).For years I carried a bootknife with me.I was bullied in school and hurt in psych institutions in the most sick of ways. It never ends. Because apparently society itsself is too infested with bullies and too many people who have conduct disorders or reacting against them to stop the bully mind from destroying us all with thier lust for inducing traumas in innocent or vunerable people.
When will humanity say no more to the the'entitlement' of bullies to be the exploiters and abusers of the innocent,vunerable and trusting people,or people without this 'drive'(ambition) to dominate,exploit, steal or abuse others? When will the non conduct disordered folks get together and protect each other from assholes and force,expose or shame the abusive part of humanity to either stop abusing others,stop excusing thier abusing and rationalizing it,stop desensitizing the hurting through humiliation or mindgames? When will more people be able to decide to wake up,stand up,and stop playing master and servant with abusers or each other as if that is "normal"? This sick top/bottom dynamic happens to people on so many levels in human culture in personal life,at school work in politics. It really is the same damn sick dynamic you will see in abusive relationships that is now being exploited for dominating the white house and the church,,the hospital the economy, school and work....Abuse dynamics infiltrates everything in this culture with it's putridness. It seems alot of people can't see the rampant cocercion that is our cultural stench in the air we breathe evertyday until they step out of their own culture enough to realize what it is that stinks about the way we relate to one another. What does it take to knock the lenses out of a bad cultures rosy eyeglasses making abuse appear"normal"?
When is enough bullshit,really enough bullshit for humanity to give up on believing in what you have been taught that serves the interests of domination systems? Like it's good to behave as submissive in the face of degradation or exploiting.That it is wrong to say NO and back it up like you mean it...When will more people realize it does no good to decide to do more emotional or otherwise comprimises with bully assholes who do not care as long as they get thiers? Workers should realize the kind of boss who makes workers suffer economically(by being cheap,insanely demanding and greedy)who has workers in a constant stae of fear over being able to survive scrambling and selling thier labor cheap are ABUSING them to get labor cheap so they can get rich off of them faster..It is not business as usual,it is exploitation and abuse. It is time to call it what it is and stop pretending.
Boys do not need to be boys if that means they are excused for being bully boys.No one has a social entitlement to dominate,exploit or abuse another person for being different,not agreeing,being a 'productive person' not submitting to 'leaders',being a female,intellegent,creative,a child or fill in the blank___. And there is no reason to believe ANYONE is "entitlerd" to profit from the emotional traumas ,or "weakness" of others..
Cultural conditioning happens,and alot of people get conditioned by thier cultures to believe plenty of shit that does them harm.It sometimes takes a lifetime to sort it out to find yourself.When you are traumatized it's even harder.
For one half of a population to be able to bully ,exploit,dominate and control the other half there has to be 2 BELIEFS about self and relationships to others ,believed....
The bully half must be conditioned to assume they are ENTITLED to use and abuse others(might makes right) for thier own amusement,poision containers,power trips or wealth gathering..and that this is"normal" This half must be desensitized to the pain others feel and feel no shame at violating or using others as objects..
While the other half of the population i.e. those who can live and let live,who are sensitive,compassionate,creative, and different and can get along with others without having control over them need to be taught servitude,to supress thier voices of outrage,endure and desensitize themselves to thier own suffering,adopt weakness, submission and be haunted to inaction by traumas done by abusers in thier lives. As long as humankind is taught two UNEQUAL ways of relating to others,there will be no peace on Earth.
When will more of humanity have the courage to see this horribly entrenched interpersonal/social abuse dynamic for what it IS? When will this whole sick game people play to STOP? Does it really take total ruin of humankind and the planet to stop this horrible sick entrenched cultural game of the abuser and abused ?
I would hope someday somehow PTSD becomes an archaic curiosity, not because the data was twisted for political interests or drugs that are invented to dull and desensitize people to abuse were widespread, But because people saw through this massive worldwide game of make belive for real...and woke up... Finally stopped letting one half of humanity abuse the other and stoped the abusers from destroying the world for thier profit and sick control games .