You can read the Candidates Responses to Letter from NCIL, ADAPT, NCIL, SABE here
2000 Presidential Election Action CenterCANDIDATE QUESTIONS
Do you support the creation and appointment of a permanent Assistant to the President for Disability Policy at the White House?
How will you make sure qualified people with disabilities will be a part of your political team and, if elected, as part of your administration?
What steps would you take to reduce employment barriers and improve employment outcomes for Americans with disabilities?
How would you reform the federal income support programs (Supplemental Security Income and Social Security Disability Insurance) so that beneficiaries enjoy a greater standard of living and participate more fully in the labor market?
According to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, between 1993 and 2004, federal workers with significant disabilities left the federal workforce at rate more than seven times the general reduction in the federal workforce during that period. What actions would you take to ensure that qualified workers with disabilities are given meaningful opportunities to participate in the federal workforce at all levels?
What steps would you take to ensure that people with disabilities have access to affordable, quality health care that is responsive to their individual needs?
How or will you use managed care principles to deliver healthcare services?
How would you improve the quality of health and rehabilitation services provided to veterans with disabilities?
How would you improve the quality of health and rehabilitation services provided to Native Americans with disabilities? Do you support the reauthorization of the Indian Healthcare Act?
How will you assure people with disabilities have fair access to Medicare Part D prescriptions?
How will you address the inequities caused by the Medicare “homebound” rule?
Do you support ongoing Congressional efforts to ensure mental health parity in health insurance (S. 558, H.R. 1367)?
How would you address America’s increasing need for home and community-based long-term services and supports (such as personal assistance services, respite care, and other supports)?
Do you support the Community Choice Act of 2007 (S. 799, H.R. 1621) and/or the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Act of 2007 (CLASS Act of 2007)?
What other steps would you take to help states implement the Olmstead v. L.C. Supreme Court decision and help address the institutional bias in the current Medicaid system?
Will you propose integrating acute and long term services by using integrated managed care principles?
How will you address the shortage of community direct care attendants?
How will you address the lack of coordination between Medicare and Medicaid policies?
What would you do to increase the availability of affordable, accessible, integrated housing opportunities in the community for low and moderate income people with disabilities and their families?
How will you assure the vigorous implementation of all Fair Housing laws?
How will you assure that HUD implements programs that will assist states in complying with the Olmstead decision?
What would you do to expand access to affordable, accessible transportation for people with disabilities, especially in rural areas?
How would you ensure that students with disabilities are included within and accommodated as part of the accountability measures of No Child Left Behind?
Do you support full federal funding for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)?
What ideas do you have for strengthening federal enforcement of IDEA?
What ideas do you have for increasing the high school graduation rate of students served by IDEA?
How would you improve services for students transitioning from school to employment? From high school to higher education?
Do you support legislative measures to require that Internet technologies be made accessible to and usable by people with disabilities?
What measures would you propose to ensure that consumer electronic and telecommunications devices are accessible to and usable by persons with disabilities?
How would you ensure enforcement of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act and Section 255 of the Telecommunications Act?
Would you support restoration of full funding for the Assistive Technology Act of 2004 programs?
What steps would you take as President to ensure that voters with disabilities are able to vote privately and independently, consistent with the requirements of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA)?
Would you require the Census Bureau, in its surveys of people with disabilities, to ask questions regarding whether the respondents are registered to vote and whether they voted in the last election?
Of the existing members of the U.S. Supreme Court, which justices do you consider models for the kinds of federal judges you would appoint if elected president?
Do you support an ADA Restoration Act, such as the bill introduced in the last Congress?
What steps will you take to protect the diminishment of the civil rights protections under the ADA?
Do you support U.S. ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its Optional Protocol?