All the medical Doctor can report is the physical and Mental restrictions of a Claimant. Those Restrictions are then taken by a Vocational Expert who testifies what jobs can such a person do. The reason for this is SS has determined a Medical Doctor does NOT have the expertise to determine if someone can work or not, do to the fact the Medical Doctor has no background on what is required by employers. Vocational Experts are people with Collage and work background in rehabilitation services and known what is expected by employers from employees, thus they take the Medical restrictions and report to the Administrative Law Judge what jobs a person can or can not do.
Having said the above, if the Medical Doctor restricts someone to having to miss two or more days a month do to medical conditions, OR incapable of working 2 hours, take a 15 minute break, work two hours, take a half hour lunch break, work two hours and take a 15 minute afternoon break and work two hours and go home OR is off tasks 5 minutes an hour over the above, almost all Vocational Experts will testify the Claimant can not do any job in the National Economy. Given that testimony the Administrative Law Judge must rule the claimant disabled (provided there is no evidence in the file that says someone is NOT disabled OR disability is do to Drinking or Drug use).
As to having to follow your local state law to continue to get Welfare, you have to follow whatever the law requires. In my State if you are still be considered for SSI, no welfare to work project is EVER required, but that is a state by state decision, check with your local Welfare Office for details (And check with your local Legal Aid office for details, if your attorney is NOT a legal aid Attorney, if he is ask him or her).
Please also note your SSI affects the claimant's SSI. Under SSI law, when two people, who are NOT blood Relatives of each other, live together, the couple will only get a SSI amount equal to 1 1/2 SSI payments. In simple terms, you should be getting $623 a month on SSI. Half of 623 is 311.50. Thus as a couple you will be getting $934.50 (Plus anything your state pays as a Supplement to SSI, My home State of Pennsylvania adds $27.40, $40.10 for a couple). This can be done in one of two ways, you continue to get your $623 per month and the claimant will get $311.50. Another way the Feds pay is to give each of you 467.25 per month). Please note any Social Security disability either of you may be entitled to will reduce these SSI amounts (and any State Supplement will increase the amount).