I so appreciate your story here. For one thing, it goes to show that anything can happen to anyone at any time.
I'm also very sorry to hear about your husband. My beloved bro-n-law died from leukemia in Sept. '02 I could rant about doctors as well. None of us believe he got the 'BEST' care available as a Medicare user. He was only 49. His passing DID leave his wife, my sister in medical bills hell. She had to put her house into a trust and is about to declare a bankruptcy. It was their very first home.
Yes, indeed, there are disabilities that are commonly known as "hidden". Hidden in that it's not obvious by casual glance to the general public.
I have multiple conditions that allow me disability payments. Most of them relate to chronic pain as related to Osteo Arthritis. I have other conditions that made drawing disability payments a slam dunk. In any case, it is no picnic to have to apply for assistance. It can be tedious, humiliating and stressful.
It's good to know you had some alternative means with which to get some help.
It's frustrating that, depending on where you live in the country, some people get help rather nicly while others have to offer their first born child before the assistance is given. What a shame.
Welcome again and I hope you WILL share with us some of your horror stories related to the medical profession. I'm sure many of us have tales to tell on that score too.
Best, SB