I bookmarked it. However, I have one question about something I read there, maybe you can explain it for me.
I am NOT against the right to die issue. Like I've posted in here a few days ago, a very ill friend of ours just died from complications of MS and throat cancer. It was HIS decision to NOT continue with chemotherapy for his cancer. He believed he'd led a fine life, lived long (60+ years) and with MS couldn't stand the cancer treatments on top of that too.
He chose to stop the cancer treatments, was given a 2% chance to live a short while........but he lived for TWO YEARS. He died on Feb. 13 '05
A friend of my sister, a bit senior than she, had won the a battle with cancer earlier in her life--she was not otherwise disabled ever. She had 20 some years of remission with which she lived it up. He husband died at one point, then her cancer came back. This woman chose NOT to take any further treatments. They loaded her up on drugs, made her comfortable. She moved into my sister's house and into a lovely room prepared for her there. She came to see me at the seashore with my sister, they camped out at Big Sur one more time, and then in six months the woman gave up her last breath and that's the way she wanted it. She was some woman too. Quite the life of the party, outspoken, strong, independent, from the "beat era" ....very, very interesting. She is missed.
So, how does the "notdeadyet.org" feel about this? How do you feel about this? I want to be sure I'm on the right page when I share these ideals with other friends and family in the disabled community here.
Thanks, SB