Here is the website for that conference: their final conference report:
Fédération Internationale des Associations Médicales Catholiques
World Federation of Catholic Medical Associations
CONSIDERATIONS ON THE SCIENTIFIC AND ETHICAL PROBLEMS RELATED TO VEGETATIVE STATE9) We acknowledge that every human being has the dignity of a human person, without any discrimination based on race, culture, religion, health conditions, or socio-economic conditions. Such a dignity, based on human nature itself, is a permanent and intangible value, that cannot depend on specific circumstances of life and cannot be subordinated to anybody's judgement. We recognize the search for the best possible quality of life for every human being as an intrinsic duty of medicine and society, but we believe that it cannot and must not be the ultimate criterion used to judge the value of a human being's life.
We acknowledge that the dignity of every person can also be expressed in the practice of autonomous choices; however, personal autonomy can never justify decisions or actions against one's own life or that of others: in fact, the exercise of freedom is impossible outside of life.
10) Based on these premises, we feel the duty to state that VS patients are human persons, and, as such, they need to be fully respected in their fundamental rights. The first of these rights is the right to live and to the safeguard of health. In particular, VS patients have the right to:
-correct and thorough diagnostic evaluation, in order to avoid possible mistakes and to orient rehabilitation in the best way;
-basic care, including hydration, nutrition, warming and personal hygiene;
-prevention of possible complications and monitoring for any possible signs of recovery;
-adequate rehabilitative processes, prolonged in time, favouring the recovery and maintenance of all progress achieved;
-be treated as any other patients with reference to general assistance and affective relationships.
This requires that any decision of abandonment based on a probability judgement be discouraged, considering the insufficiency and unreliability of prognostic criteria available to date. The possible decision of withdrawing nutrition and hydration, necessarily administered to VS patients in an assisted way, is followed inevitably by the patients' death as a direct consequence. Therefore, it has to be considered a genuine act of euthanasia by omission, which is morally unacceptable.