I copied the Martin Luther King book template at enchantedlearning.com and made my own word file. (You have to be a paying member at enchantedlearning to download theirs. Mine is free :-) ) If anyone wants a copy of the word file, PM me with your email address and I'll send it to you.
Here's the description at enchanted learning. Mine is very similar:
Print out the following to make a short book about changing the world, based on the life work of Martin Luther King, Jr. The student will write about a dream they have, how this dream could be accomplished, and what the effects of this dream would be on the world.
For example, if the student's dream is to save the whales, some possible steps toward accomplishing this dream are: learning about whales, becoming involved in a whale preservation group, finding out about worldwide legislation concerning whales, and writing letters to legislators. If this dream were to come true, some of the possible effects on the world might be: more whales, healthier oceans, a greater variety of other ocean species, and increased public awareness of the ability to improve the environment.
Instructions: Cut out each page. Staple the pages together, then fill out each of the pages.
The easiest way to print is by using the PDF file. If using the html files, to get back to this page from a printout, just click on the picture. Printing the cover on cardstock makes a sturdier book.
Skills practiced: Reading, writing, problem solving, cause and effect.
The link to Enchantedlearning's MLK book is here, if you want to see something very close to what I will email you: