"I've been getting questions via email asking if liberals and Democrats homeschooled. It is time for the Democratic Party to realize that, yes, many of their faithful have decided to homeschool their children.
Homeschooling is also a liberal reaction when one's child just isn't thriving in public school. In our district it seemed like the conservatives were holding sway: banning books, outlawing a successful spelling program because it had a "wizard" theme, insisting on school uniforms, and the last straw, considering contraband-sniffing dogs!
Many Democrat moms are very much into the nurturing movement, finding it rather absurd to spend all that time in Le Leche League only to turn one's babes over to daycare as soon as they are potty trained. While a goal for "early childhood education for all children under 5" is a worthy one, perhaps it can best be achieved by helping mothers to have the confidence and skills to work with their little ones rather than making them think that handing their children over to someone else is somehow better. This is part of what I try to do as a "liberated woman," and find no contradiction. Empowering the individual: that is what the Democrat Party has always stood for.
Another tenet of the Democrat Party is "public school choice." How about broadening that to include homeschooling? It is a choice, after all, and many school districts do offer homeschooling programs, and some states offer charter schools for homeschoolers."More here:
http://homeschooling.gomilpitas.com/articles/080904.htmOther articles on this subject can be found at the bottom of the page.