I have spent the past day researching unschooling and I am sold. I am past sold, I am a convert! The key, as far as I can tell, is EXPOSURE. I was worried about the whole 'let your child follow their bliss' thing because I was thinking that my daughter would just become the world's greatest living expert on That's So Raven. But then it was like a big CLICK went off in my head. Of course that is all she would learn about if that is all she was exposed to. But if she gets exposed to othter things, she will learn other things. SOOOO...I have made a list of field trips and ideas for exposing her to....stuff. There is the Discovery Place hands on science museum in Charlotte, the Riverbanks Zoo in Columbia, the Mint Museum of Art, Biltmore House is only three hours away....the possibilities are vast. I just started the list this morning and I already have 20 items on it. I figure that if we just do one a week and she is really interested she will learn more than if we sit at the kitchen table for three hours a day with me trying to cram American History into her brain. Also, there are a ton of movies that manage to be educational without being deadly. And there is the library, only instead of taking her and telling her what to research, I will take her and turn her loose and see what she comes up with.
I am going to do math, spelling and grammar the way we have been. And I think I will continue to read The History of Us with her. But instead of making her take tests on what she has learned over the week, I am going to let what sticks stick and what doesn't not.