It was great. I had a complete academic turnaround, went from flunking out of remedial classes to A's and B's. Not that they gave grades, but when I applied to college later, they had to assigned grades to the written evals.
There are several public options for the highly gifted in my state.
One, my preferred option, is a charter school with a huge waiting list. They are an accelerated learning situation, but they also see the whole child, not just the IQ points. DD would be a completely average student there from what I have researched.
There is a gifted program in the public school aimed toward the exceptionally and profoundly gifted student. First, as intelligent as she is, DD is probably only borderline EG. I wouldn't want her to feel stupid or slow by putting her in an overly accelerated program. Second, they have a strong achievement criteria. Kids must be in the top 99th percentile in achievement or they can be cut from the program. A bit much pressure for a six year old, even a highly gifted one, don't you think?
Then there is the gifted program in her current school which is not accelerated enough. More for the bright, high achieving student.
We are like the three bears, programing that is too fast, not fast enough, but none that is just right!
She might be a good candidate for a grade skip. She is meticulous in her work, well coordinated, has good social skills and is on the older side for her current class anyway.
So I dunno, we have some options, but nothing really obvious is presenting itself, other than wait and see.
Homeschool would be fun, but time consuming. I was hoping to go back to work part time soon.
The four year old loves "play learning". We looked at an ant under the play microscope for ages today, then read a really good children's book about the concept of millions. I got it for DD, but DS was totally into it. :) So we have fun, too. Don't want to make it look like have their little noses to the grindstone all summer.
Thanks again for all the good info. I will make contact with the local HS group when I return from summer vacation. Good to have options, yanno?