I found a place that provides templates for diplomas. They are only for Home schooled students. It is $6.00 for the diploma and $9.00 for the diploma and transcript template. The name of the company is BoxFreeConcepts.com It printed up a very nice diploma for my son. Well, after I played with it a bit. We finished up his comprehensive finals last night, five pages-whew! He did very well though, I am proud of him. I threw a trick question on it though, "what significant event happened on August 13th, 1961?" (That's my birthday!) The little skunk wrote "the Great Depression" for the answer! He just grinned at me when I nailed him for it--he said "well, you are turning 50, isn't that the Great Depression?" I'm turning 48, thank you very much! KIDS! You gotta love em! He starts a summer job next week with a job program that employs low income kids. sigh, I guess there is some benefit to being out of work for over 6 months now . . .