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What's on at AFI's Silver Theatre: Jean Arthur

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CBHagman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-06-10 11:20 AM
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What's on at AFI's Silver Theatre: Jean Arthur

For all of those of us who live in the Mid-Atlantic region, particularly the Washington, D.C., area, there's a promising roster of films at the AFI Silver Theatre in Silver Spring, MD.

Among the highlights are a Jean Arthur retrospective. It includes the classics you'd expect -- e.g., Frank Capra fare such as Mr. Deeds Goes to Town, You Can't Take It with You, and Mr. Smith Goes to Washington -- but also lesser-known titles such as The Whole Town's Talking (See below), which ought not to be confused with The Talk of the Town (See above), also included in the festival.

Here's a list:

Of course as I write this, Snowmageddon has descended upon the region, and the storm continues. Digging out should take a couple days, and though AFI had planned to reopen on Sunday, it's not clear at this point if they will. Stay tuned.

I've often wondered what kind of a following Jean Arthur has today. She strikes me as one of the more neglected stars of the classic era, probably because she hasn't been accorded any kind of icon status -- unlike, say, Gary Cooper or Bette Davis. But she certainly had an impressive resume.

Which Arthur films have you seen? Which are your favorites? Which would you like to see?

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Matilda Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-08-10 08:19 PM
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1. She does seem to be largely forgotten today.
Edited on Mon Feb-08-10 08:34 PM by Matilda
I really like her, although I haven't seen much of her work. I checked her IMDb listing and was astonished at the
sheer volume of work. Heaps of silents, and I've not seen one of them; I'd like to. I wonder how many of them are
still available today?

I loved "The Talk of the Town"; with those three stars, how could anyone not enjoy it? I also liked "Mr Smith Goes
to Washington" and "Mr Deeds Goes to Town". I've seen "Only Angels Have Wings" but as I can't recall much of it,
I don't think it made an impression. One film I have heard of but have never seen and would like to is "The
Devil and Miss Jones". I don't recall that it's ever been shown on TV here. "Shane" I haven't seen, although I
know it was well regarded; not being a Western fan, I've just let it pass me by.

According to IMDb, she turned down the female lead in "It's A Wonderful Life" because she didn't want to work with
James Stewart again. I wonder what happened there? I can see her doing that role, perhaps with a little more bite
than Donna Reed gave it (although I think Donna Reed was lovely).

I seem to recall that later in life she did a lot of work caring for animals, rather like Doris Day.

There's a fairly recent biography of her written, "The Star Nobody Knew", which has good reviews on Amazon. I must
try and get hold of it.

Thanks for the reminder, CB!

Edited to add: One well-known film I didn't like much was "You Can't Take It With You". I'm probably a minority of
one, but somebody lent me a copy a couple of years ago, and I just couldn't get into it. Not even with all the
talented people in it. I found it cliched.
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Sparkly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-11-10 08:33 PM
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2. I love her!!!
Edited on Thu Feb-11-10 08:37 PM by Sparkly
"The Devil and Miss Jones" is one of my all-time favorite movies. She and Charles Coburn were a riot together -- I know they did others too, including "The More the Merrier," I think it's called?

I once got my daughter to watch "The Devil" with me, and she just looooved Jean Arthur -- that's saying a lot from a then-teenager.

I know nothing about the AFI Theatre. I will definitely check this out! Thanks for the info. :hi:

Edited to add: Valentine's Day fare on TCM includes:

12:00 - The More the Merrier
2:00 - The Devil and Miss Jones !! :D

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CBHagman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-11-10 08:58 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. "The More the Merrier" is unmissable.
If your daughter hasn't caught that one, make sure she does. The chemistry, the comic timing, the sheer good humor of the whole project are endearing. Charles Coburn is a complete hoot, and Jean Arthur and Joel McCrea have a surprisingly steamy moment...on the front stoop of an apartment building.

Oh, and it's a weirdly patriotic movie (See it and you'll understand why).
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Sparkly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-11-10 10:43 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. Oh yes, I meant that's another favorite!
Edited on Thu Feb-11-10 10:43 PM by Sparkly
(Just wasn't sure of the title at first.)

I love all her cute outfits for going to work -- there's one where she has lots of bows in her hair -- and also the scene where she has cream all over her face and braids, and realizes for the first time there's a third roommate!
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