20 Saturday
6:00 AM Raintree County (1957)
In this sumptuous Civil War story, a willful southern belle goes mad out of fear that she may be part black.
Dir: Edward Dmytryk Cast: Montgomery Clift , Elizabeth Taylor , Eva Marie Saint .
C-173 mins, TV-PG, CC, Letterbox Format
9:00 AM Lonelyhearts (1958)
A sensitive young reporter assigned to write an advice column gets caught up in his readers' lives.
Dir: Vincent J. Donehue Cast: Montgomery Clift , Robert Ryan , Myrna Loy .
BW-103 mins, TV-G, CC,
11:00 AM The Big Lift (1950)
Two Air Force sergeants find love while flying the Berlin Airlift.
Dir: George Seaton Cast: Montgomery Clift , Paul Douglas , Cornell Borchers .
BW-118 mins, TV-PG,
1:00 PM Red River (1948)
A young cowhand rebels against his rancher stepfather during a perilous cattle drive.
Dir: Howard Hawks Cast: John Wayne , Montgomery Clift , Joanne Dru .
BW-133 mins, TV-PG, CC,
3:30 PM From Here To Eternity (1953)
Enlisted men in Hawaii fight for love and honor on the eve of World War II.
Dir: Fred Zinnemann Cast: Burt Lancaster , Montgomery Clift , Deborah Kerr .
BW-118 mins, TV-PG, CC,
5:45 PM The Misfits (1961)
A sensitive divorcee gets mixed up with modern cowboys roping mustangs in the desert.
Dir: John Huston Cast: Clark Gable , Marilyn Monroe , Montgomery Clift .
BW-125 mins, TV-PG, CC, Letterbox Format
8:00 PM A Place in the Sun (1951)
An ambitious young man wins an heiress's heart but has to cope with his former girlfriend's pregnancy.
Dir: George Stevens Cast: Montgomery Clift , Elizabeth Taylor , Shelley Winters .
BW-122 mins, TV-PG, CC,
10:15 PM The Heiress (1949)
A plain young woman's money makes her prey to fortune hunters.
Dir: William Wyler Cast: Olivia de Havilland , Montgomery Clift , Ralph Richardson .
BW-115 mins, TV-PG, CC,
12:15 AM The Search (1948)
An American soldier in post-war Europe becomes attached to a homeless child.
Dir: Fred Zinnemann Cast: Montgomery Clift , Aline MacMahon , Wendell Corey .
BW-104 mins, TV-PG, CC,
2:15 AM I Confess (1953)
A priest suspected of murder can only clear himself by violating the sanctity of the confessional.
Dir: Alfred Hitchcock Cast: Montgomery Clift , Anne Baxter , Karl Malden .
BW-95 mins, TV-PG, CC,
4:00 AM Defector, The (1966)
A shady CIA agent recruits an American physicist to help a Russian scientist defect.
Dir: Raoul Levy Cast: Montgomery Clift , Hardy Kruger , Macha Méril .
C-100 mins, TV-PG, Letterbox Format