Well, I'll be. I was watching a bit of Ernst Lubitsch's
To Be or Not to Be the other night and decided I'd pay a trip to the Ernst Lubitsch message board at IMDB. It was, I discovered, a sparsely populated place where we all worried aloud that people were Forgetting Ernst Lubitsch.
What a difference a day makes. Today someone posted a message indicating that
A Royal Scandal, one of the Ernst Lubitsch titles currently out of print on video and DVD, can be watched right at YouTube. Okay, so
Lubitsch started it and Otto Preminger finished it, but still...
Apparently it's in multiple parts. Here's part one:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bCRxxaehAs&session=d7S_7sWPrhh-9Q0YZNWEwsie3Ar1NlWc_d3VfFh7vlI96sQUATg3_Xqq1sUxUTt8-WnYqJKu2SWtpDkgvsHMYDo-DqLRfjZVb-bqgTl71cX4OO-QuLlHpcFakCZcCVIxtJBsAIGV4o6EK1QRty199gXHKSK7hfHcTDqS89MFGvgh0xV3E5HUTL_Ja4Uf8J6ioVrBob17c4f0DkjLd9xZ1bQDhVTCZl5kmJnej-TS1gQLbDJYykUz-P6Y33LkWbKYDoes anyone else have any classic movie videos they'd like to share?