I do hope it will build on its library of classics, because at the moment it's not terribly strong.
Of course we have a much smaller market than the U.S., but even so, Quickflix (a division of Blockbuster) is supposed to cater for those who want films that are away from the latest mainstream films, but while you can get all the latest films of whatever genre, it's rather hard to find anything much in the true classic lineup, although they do have a reasonable selection of European films.
Currently I have 25 films on my list, and I'm hard put to add to it. Still, I have been able to watch some old favourites that are no longer available elsewhere, and also catch up on some recent releases that came and went so quickly that I didn't get to see them when they screened originally.
I'm still making a list of DVDs to order from Amazon though - films that have never been released here on DVD and probably never will be. It's my best hope of seeing some of my great favourites again.