If you call your credit card company about a dispute, you do not preserve your rights under law. It says this in the little eeny teeny print on your credit card terms of service.
The certified letter should go to the credit card company, not the magazine subscription service, if you can afford to send only one certified letter -- they are not cheap.
I've gotten back thousands of dollars over the years in disputes with credit card companies. Not one dollar came back as a result of a phone call. If you call, they say they'll do whatever, and then they'll throw your request in the trash. If they can get you to go 60 days without filing your complaint IN WRITING, you owe the money whether it's a bad bill or not, because you voluntarily gave up your rights.
A phone call is fine as follow-up to a letter, but it should never take the place of the letter -- or several letters. Many disputes with credit card companies are not cleared up for several months or even up to a year, and in the meanwhile you need to write them every month again when you receive the incorrect bill. Only the first letter needs to be certified, return receipt requested though. The rest can go regular first class mail. They'll get your letters. The U.S. Postal Service only loses a first class letter once in a blue moon.
The conservation movement is a breeding ground of communists and other subversives. We intend to clean them out, even if it means rounding up every birdwatcher in the country. --John Mitchell, US Attorney General 1969-72