i'd read the abortion-crime study in the 90s when it came out, and it always stuck with me (and we're seeing a confirmation I think now; the Hyde (?) amendment hit in the early 80s, and prevented poor women from getting abortions with medicaid; thus, abortion became something for the well-off again, leading to an increase again in unwanted, economically disadvantaged children, and now, 20 years later, an increase in crime....)
What the man has to say about realtors made me feel a lot better about the way our house was handled (and the fact that it didn't sell at all....)
The book is bound to piss off anyone who is emotionally attached to conventional wisdom on either side of the divide... which I think is good. But then again, I'm a huge fan of the concept that sacred cows make the tastiest hamburger and that "darlings" (pet notions, not loved ones) should be murdered in cold blood on a regular basis....