Chiapas, Mexico. The Human Bean Company is a commercial enterprise that was started at the suggestion of the leaders of the autonomous indigenous communities in resistence in Chiapas, Mexico. The purpose of the company is, simply put, to develop direct markets in the United States for the products from the autonomous indigenous communities in Chiapas. The business of the company is conducted with the advice, consent and participation of the indigenous producers. All of our products are from Zapatista cooperatives.
On a deeper level the company is an attempt to develop an alternative model of international commerce that is more just than the unrestrained capitalistic model being imposed worldwide by the United States. Their motto is "maximum return to the investors". Their model is imposed by force of arms and without the informed consent of the people and has wreaked havoc on the indigenous peoples and the poor of the world and immensely benefited the rich. Our motto is "Putting Human Values Before Profit Values". Our model calls for consensus, democracy, justice, liberty, peace with dignity and respects the rights of all peoples.
FAIR TRADE, SHADE GROWN, ORGANIC COFFEE AND NATURAL COFFEE FLOWER HONEY recieved some of their honey as a gift. Delicious! And for a great cause... thought some might be interested in this for coffee/honey. Can't get more fair trade than this. :hi: