I live in Newburgh, NY. We have many local farms and farmers markets, so that is where we go for fruits and veggies. Some have meats and milk and other products.
http://www.localharvest.org/ (here is a list of my local farms, farmers markets, grocers and co-ops)
http://www.localharvest.org/search.jsp?map=1&lat=41.517480&lon=-74.060220&scale=10&ty=-1&co=1&nm=&zip=12550 (A long list of my local spots.)
I spend the most time shopping locally at The Newburgh Pork Store.
http://www.merchantcircle.com/business/Newburgh.Pork.Store.845-562-5615But as far as grocery stores go, I use AlDI alot
-they have good diet stuff, exciting specials, and quality low prices
http://www.aldifoods.com/index_ENU_HTML.htmWhat I cant find at ALDI I go to Shoprite or Stop&Shop for - typical supermarkets, but their workers are organized by the TEAMSTERS. Always look for that
union label...
http://www.shoprite.com/Default.aspx http://www.stopandshop.com/So where live and where do you buy your food?