thousand points of light.
When the wind blows and your pitons are in something just this side of loess is not the time to discover that your safety line was dependent on the honesty of Mr. Madoff.
Modern diffracted societies use formal, regulated services that are based on standards more stringent than word of mouth and regulation that does not fellate the industry they regulate.
Faith based serpent driven societies flow around the rule of law, and all it provides on the strength of testimonial and affinity based authority. As age does not confer wisdom, affinity does not constitute due diligence.
This is why privatization of governmental and military functions are wind up poisoning and electrocuting troops-- Why FEMA is so ineffective-- why Baghdad is a third world city.
Madoff is part of that culture of the elite that rebrainds plutocracy as savvy. This sort of fraud can happen even in regulated systems in a supervised market, but not at this scale.
Bernie is another Fuck You from the ownership society.