Edited on Wed Nov-17-04 02:07 PM by Zorra
to patronize rather than worry so much about who not to patronize. We can focus on this quickly and make it all simple for distributing the idea and putting it into nationwide practice ASAP.
Kind of a neat "boycott" package plan made simple and understandable for people who are too busy to research but wish to engage in a boycott.
We all, pretty much, need certain basic goods and services, and if we identify which companies and products are Progressive and provide the goods and services that we need, we can patronize them, increasing their profit and prosperity, and allowing them to grow. We could offer several Progressive company choices in each category. This would eliminate losing focus and simplify the "boycott".
For example:
Insurance: Progressive Insurance Co.
Telephone: Working Assets
Shopping: Costco
Gas: Citgo
Bank: Credit Union
We can also, of course, list products according to this model.
If we can make a list of the services that pretty much everyone needs and list the Progressive Companies that provide these services, we can patronize these companies exclusively and not have to worry so much about who not to patronize. Once we "perfect" the list, we can notify these Progressive companies that we plan to patronize them because of their Progressive ideas, products, services, and practices.
This will simplify the boycott process, and make it easily understandable distributable through email.
People that are very busy can read our list from an email and begin "boycotting" without having to go throught the confusing process of having to investigate every company's practices.
After we finish the list of "good" companies and distribute it on email to everyone that we think may participate in the boycott, we can begin a list of "bad" companies and write to them and tell them why we do not use their goods and services.
I'm strapped for time right now, and not sure if my idea is completely clear.
I plan to work on this later and would appreciate any and all input.