Bear with me at 3:15 a.m. West-Coast time (so this may not be as coherent as I'd like!)...
As many of you know, we (that means ALL of us) are building The Progressive Pages -- a searchable database of both "blue" and "red" companies/businesses, non-profits, and other resources, designed to help progressives make an informed decision about whether or not they (we) want to fork over our hard-earned dollars to socially-conscious businesses, or to nasty, freeper-ful, anti-everything * supporters.
If you run, work for, or patronize ANY business establishment in the United States (which pretty much covers everybody), YOUR INPUT IS NEEDED to make The Progressive Pages the definitive guide to "blue" and "red" companies all over the nation.
fudge_striped_cookays, foreigncorrespondent, and I have been working like mad to build this database from the ground up, and more than a few other DUers have contributed invaluable information -- but I am going to keep pestering everyone to help us make this the "yellow (dog) pages" we all need in order to support our progressive-minded brothers and sisters, and to starve The Beast that's nearly screwed our beloved nation into the ground.
Go HERE: click the big, blue
HELP link to learn how you can benefit the cause!
DUers who own, operate, or have any influence whatsoever with Web sites of ALL types: PLEASE POST the link to the front page of The Progressive Pages ( ) on your Web site, and drive traffic our way!
(There's an extra bonus when you link to PP: PP automatically records every hit from your site, and immediately posts it to the PP page that was hit. In other words, you get an automatic linkback from the PP!)
MANY THANKS to ( ), ( ) and ( ), among others, for giving us a much-needed traffic boost!
More good news: While the PP isn't completely ready for ready for prime time, I already submitted it to Google -- knowing from experience that it can take MONTHS to get indexed. Well, guess what? Less than 24 hours later, we were Googled (!!!) -- and we're already getting hits from folks looking for info on such search queries as: "Kraft Food en Puerto Rico" - "Nabisco air crisps" - "progressive pages" - Wal-Mart" - "alternate company names" - "altria shot snack" - "doo dad snack mix by nabisco" - "food enhancers divisions" - "kool aid slushies mix" - "kraft foods postum" - "list of companies support progressive causes .org" -- et al.
So, for the naysayers who claim this can't be done: It
IS being done, and we are already getting more traffic and feedback than I've seen in nearly a decade of launching full-blown Web sites with a LOT more planning and forethought than this one!
But we still NEED YOUR INPUT!
The Progressive Pages is as much a "cooperative" site as any you will ever see. So, as valuable as your contributions are to the DU Economic Activism forum, PLEASE take a moment and add a listing, a comment, or a rating to the Progressive Pages. You won't only be helping the folks behind the PP -- you'll be performing an immeasurable service to the 48% of the American public who are "mad as hell, and not going to take it anymore."
If I were religious, I'd sign off with "Bless..." but I'll just say, "Peace out!"
-- Sapph
P.S. Yes, I'm donating space (and money I don't have, out of my own pocket) for this project -- and no, I am NOT making money from it, nor do I expect to. Yes, there are Amazon links on the site, in the small hope that any revenue from commissions will help offset server costs (which are a killer for a longterm layoff casualty like me). The truth is, this is a labor of love -- love of country (or what's left of it, anyway).
P.P.S. Could the insomniacs please keep this kicked for the morning crew? I'm around half the night, but I'm spending more time massaging the PP database than I am checking DU at the moment. Thanks!