Think of all the money YOU will save on cigarettes. Why talk about clipping coupons and best values when you're simply going to let it all go in a cloud of smoke?
Also, your money is going to corporate GOP backers who are exporting death to other countries since they face such a backlash here. Your money is going to getting poor people addicted in other countries.
Next, think of future medical costs. How many diseases, ones that will literally KILL you, are associated with smoking? You might get "lucky" and have a massive heart attack and just keel over. Or perhaps you'll just suffer a lingering, painful death from cancer or emphysema.
I know this all sounds harsh, but this was the soundtrack loop I played in my head prior to quitting a couple of years ago. It was the hardest thing I had ever done. I started first with aversion therapy, making myself think all sorts of horrible things when I smoked for about a month beforehand.
It got to the point where instead of relaxing when I smoked, I would nearly have a panic attack picturing myself gasping for air. Then, I just picked a quit date and stopped cold turkey. I did it over the weekend and pretty much just spent two days in bed, sleeping as much as I could and eating whatever I wanted and drinking a ton of water.
The first week was a living hell, but it got progressively easier. I avoided smokers and didn't drink for about four months because I knew I would give in to temptation. Now, I can be around both and it doesn't bother me.
I now have high blood pressure and asthma, both of which suck. Heredity and allergies play into both of these conditions, but perhaps I wouldn't have these problems now if only I hadn't started or at least stopped sooner.
The Lounge is an excellent support group for wannabe ex-smokers. A number of people have quit with the help of DUers. I know it helped me.
JUST QUIT!!! You really can do it.