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Keyboardists: recommend a two-tier stand!

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bbernardini Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-27-05 11:24 PM
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Keyboardists: recommend a two-tier stand!
Edited on Sun Feb-27-05 11:26 PM by bbernardini
My two-tier "Z" stand is finally falling apart. It's already been welded back together once, and I don't feel like going through that again. Any keyboard players out there have any recommendations? I'll be using it for a Korg Triton LE and an Ensoniq ASR-10.
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ProfessorGAC Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-28-05 08:48 AM
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1. Ultimate APEX or DELTEX
I think they're both available. If not, check Ebay and see if you can get one.

I've used the APEX since it was introduced. It takes up very little floor space, handles my 88 key weighted action keyboard with loads of stability. And, as a keyboard player in live situations, it allowed me to be at the front of the stage with everyone else (but our drummer) without taking up huge amounts of space or screwing up sight lines. I rather enjoyed that. Since i sang about 1/3rd of the lead vocals, it would have been silly to have me at the back of the stage.

I found them WAY more stable than the Z frame or A frame stands. And the ability to consolidate all the cords and stuff made it neater looking, too.

I still have mine, and except for little things like the leg securing clips becoming a bit loose, it is still in very good condition. And, that is after being taken out on over 500 gigs, plus all the practice time.

Check the used market for one. I think you'll like them.
The Professor
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