Last year IIRC, Rodney Crowell and Vince Gill decided to re-form their band from a good few years back. They recorded a CD entitled "For Your Consideration" and a colleague at work slipped me a copy the other day. Crowell handles most of the lead vocals, with Vince doing harmony and LEAD GUITAR!
Jesus Christ, but the guitar work on this CD is sublime! Vince is some sort of Telecaster Zen Master; there ain't a single note out of place, nor does he EVER get in the way of the lead vocal or the other instruments. Everything sounds like it was cut live and nailed by the second or third take! He has just written The Book on how to play lead guitar in a country band. Listen to "Oklahoma Dust" and "Road To Ruin" for great examples.
Yeah, I've known for years that Vince is a fine musician, but he finally got unleashed on this CD! If he had been around when Don Rich died, Buck Owens wouldn't have missed a beat...