As a guitar reviewer, I play tons of guitars. when I come across something that is so dramatically different and makes playing easier and more fun and looks and sounds good I have to spread the word. First I am not being paid to promote this brand so I don't think this is spam at all. I tell people about new stuff that makes guitar playing easier and more fun and that is my only purpose in this post. The brand is, Zager guitars, www.zagerguitar.com ONLY reason I even mention this is that these guitars are easier to play. the spacing between the strings is wider, the strings are set so low it feels like an electric and the sound is as true as a 3 grand guitar. They have come out with a Zager brand but still modify Martin Sigma's and Washburn's. The nicest ones are solid tops, but the laminate tops are great sounding guitars as well. The site features lessons as well. It's just something that has been done by a great guitarist, Denny Zager, that will make starting out so much easier and make good guitarists play even better and to a guitar person that is awesome. I'm spreading the word on any site I am a member of that has any kind of music affiliation. Again this is an amazing thing that I think will make kids stick with the instrument longer ( not so sore fingers)...generally why people quit in my experience. Anything that creates more pickers is too cool for me!
RedTail Wolf