Edited on Fri Jul-15-05 12:18 AM by Al Dente
on this topic. I am a serious musician, it is my life, and I could never do anything else. Alot of people feel that burning CDs and file sharing is wrong, but I don't have a problem with it. Personally, I would rather my music be shared with everyone for free, than never be heard, cuz that's why I am making it, not for money. Now I do have to make a living, but that comes from playing live shows. Most real musicians do not make very much money off of their CDs anyways, its all from playing shows. That and merchandising is where the actual musicians make their living. Take Dave Matthews Band for instance, I don't want to start any arguments about whether they are good or bad, but they make no money off of CDs. They make it all off of merchandising and playing shows. And they even play some shows for free. That is the right attitude to have, and even though they are multi millionaires, and they don't have to worry about money anymore, it shouldn't matter because if you are in music to make money, you are in it for the wrong reason, plain and simple. You have to accept that not many people make a very good living on music, even alot of the pros don't. The most important thing is that you are sharing that part of you with the world, or your community, or whatever size your fan base is. If you wanna make money and say that "You can't share my music because IT'S MINE! MINE!!" Then just keep your music to yourself and never let anyone hear it, it's probably better that they don't anyways. Make music for everyone, not yourself. The only people not benefitting from file sharing or burning CDs is the publishers and record companies, who are crooks anyways. Almost none of them are musicians and they give musicians a horrible horrible time trying to even get their music out there the way they want it, not altered or shortened. Trying to prevent people from hearing it just so they can make another bundle of money is insane. Sorry for the long post. Peace