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Once again, I turn to DU for help: Does anyone know of anyone

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Redstone Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-05-05 09:59 PM
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Once again, I turn to DU for help: Does anyone know of anyone
in New England who can restring an Autoharp? I had it modified to C/F diatonic some years ago, and became physically unable to play shortly thereafter.

I'm getting better and want to play it again, but the guy who did the conversion isn't in that business anymore. I can't do it myself, for varous reasons.

I found some people, but they're in South Carolina and Washington State, and I'd really prefer to have it done in New England so I can drive the instrument there and pick it up...I don't want to ship it because it was a damned expensive Autoharp in the first place, and the conversion wasn't cheap either. I don't want to take the chance of having UPS lose it.

So, anyone know anyone? I'll owe you big if you can help me with this.

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ProfessorGAC Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Oct-07-05 10:05 AM
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1. Sorry, But I've Got An Idea
The shipping insurance is awfully cheap. I know the money won't completely make up for having a customized instrument lost, but it would sure take the sting out of it.

It's easy to validate the value, and since you pay the premium based upon value, they will insure it for whatever you say. This is especially true since you can only claim the loss if they actually lose it. If they don't, no harm to you because you get your autoharp the way you wanted it.

Just a thought.
The Professor
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