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you know you're a bass player when...

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name not needed Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-20-05 06:16 PM
Original message
you know you're a bass player when...
- You've parked your car in a parking lot that didn't have any parking space lines and went, "Ooh, fretless!"
- Your Windows XP user icon is that bass guitar.
- You cheered or laughed loudly at the cello-bass guitar scene in the movie "School of Rock."
-you understand the phrase, "Hey, that Sadowski has a badass and barts in it? Sweeeet."
-...if the only N'Sync member name you know is Lance Bass.
-Not only did you laugh when Jack Black gave the cello player the bass, but you were pissed that he told her to just play a G, and then gave every instrument a solo except the bass.
-You start to notice china cabinets and check to see if the china is secured well inside.
-You know the double bass does not mean two bass players in a band.
-You laugh when guitarists bitch about the price of guitar strings
-When you vote for John Kerry soley because he is a bass player.
-When freebase means a bass your girlfriend bought you.
-and baseball what happened when she gave it to you.
-when you correct people when they say "Oh, you play bass guitar" replying "Its an ELECTRIC BASS, not a bass guitar, ELECTRIC BASS is not the same instrument with less strings, im a BASSIST not a bass guitarist, get it right moron" Then you pass out and start to drool all over the floor.
- you are fully aware that Sting is a bassist also, and have the huge satisfaction of telling guitarists and singers.
- have been asked "dont make it so... how can i say it... so complicated".
- when doodling in an exam you make sure the bass you have just drawn on your paper has a long neck and exactly four stings.
- when you hate the singer and guitarist of Creed.
-people comment on the wanking muscle of your arm and you repeatedly tell them to no avail that you play slap bass.
-you uncontrollably yell out "he's got a warwick" during the reception scene in the movie theater.
-you can say, "of course i know who victor wooten is".
-you know what bubinga is. wenge too for that matter. you're in real deep if you also know how to pronounce it (wenjee).
-...when you catch yourself explaining to somebody that: "Jaco died for our sins so that modern bass players are free to play more and be heard" and you realize that you are not at all joking.
-You laugh when some guitar player brags about having an amp that puts out more than 100 watts. have to remind everyone that it's a BASS, not a guitar
-...that it's NOT easier 'coz it has four strings
-...people ask you to play stupid punk three-note bass lines (hey, everyone wants me to play the white stripes' seven nation army and I HATE that one)
-...when you get mad when you hear someone say: If you want to be famous, play bass. It's easy and you can join a good band and become famous on the guitar player's back
-You know you're the bass player if you switch instruments with the guitar player, and you sound competent on the guitar, while the guitarist sounds like shit on the bass.
-After playing some fast solo runs you get the comment: "Huh..I didn’t know you could do that on a bass"
-....... You plug your PC into your bass amp in order to listen to the bass lines of certain songs without the interruption of other instruments. ß--Scott
-You are planning to name your sons Marcus Stanley and Jaco... wonder how your instrument would sound if you used piano strings...
-you want to go the caribean because you heard about how many stingrays were there
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XNASA Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-20-05 08:38 PM
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1. There's one thing I don't get.
I always thought that the 'wanking muscle' was in the arm connected to the fretting hand, not the other way around. :shrug:
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Al Dente Donating Member (104 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-20-05 09:46 PM
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2. Haha
Excellent... But you forgot the popular jazz line that people say..."All you do is play quarter notes??"
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