Here's the story. I've been doing a bunch of sub gigs on keyboard in a cover band with some old friends from back in the day. We've been playing some of the big "cover band" clubs in the Philadelphia area to pretty good crowds. Luckily, these guys are all super-smart and knowledgeable, and they love Rush.
We always close the first set with the ending lick from "YYZ", regardless of the song (which is usually Third Eye Blind's "Semi-Charmed Life"). Whenever we end a set with The Proclaimers' "500 Miles", we put the last lick from "Spirit Of Radio" at the end (in addition to adding "Baba O'Riley" in the middle). During the guitar solo in "Play That Funky Music", we go into the progression from "Tom Sawyer".
While rehearsing the other night, we decided we needed something in G by Rush to put at the end of a song. I forget what it was at the moment (possibly Stroke 9's "Little Black Backpack"). So, anybody have any suggestions? The only one I came up with right away was "Chain Lightning", but that's a little obscure for our purposes.