Full DIsclosure: I have all my guitars hung on the wall. Two reasons:
First it looks really cool!
Secondly, i have 11 of them and i know myself. If i had one out and the rest in the cases, i would never have the ambition to pull others out of the case. So, i'd have 11 guitars and only play one, probably until a string broke. (I think we've already established that i'm too lazy to change a string immediately.)
Well, there's this one space on the wall with nothing on it. No painting, no guitars, no amp against the wall, no piano, no nothing! So, i figure in his skinny spot a mandolin would look really cool.
Anyway, i got a pretty good bonus for 2006 and i took a little slice of it and went to buy a mandolin. I thought it would be fun to have a different acoustic instrument to go with the four guitars. Since they're all tuned differently, having the mandolin tuned in 5ths would be five acoustic instruments in five different tunings.
So, i try out this inexpensive Fender in a "mando-pak". OYG! What a piece of crap! The tuning pegs were so cheap that 3 of the 8 had worms so loose you couldn't control the tuning of the string. Then, once i get it in tune, (which took 20 minutes!), the 2nd string would only play in tune to the second fret! No exagerration, by the third fret the two strings were so out of tune with one another it was unplayable. The neck had to be twisted or had a lump under the fingerboard.
So, i try an even cheaper Hondo! "BIG MISTAKE ALERT" The thing had more rattles in it than it had strings.
So, i play this Yamaha which is about at my upper limit of what i was willing to spend. It played ok, but i thought it lacked any richness of tone.
So finally, i play this Ovation. Yeah, it's pricey, but you guys know me! So, i get it out of the locked case and played it in a separate room. I loved it!
I walk out and tell the guy, "What can we do on this?" He does some number crunching and, near as i can figure, wanting to get rid of the inventory of this expensive mandolin, he gives me an OUT THE DOOR PRICE OF 57% OF LIST! Yeah, out the door. Taxes included. 43% off. So, i end up spending about what i thought i would spend for the Yamaha, which was about my upper theoretical limit. But, i got a superb instrument.
And, on top of all this, it's the Adamas style, so it looks REALLY cool hanging on the wall.
Mission Accomplished.
The Professor
BTW: Yeah, i can already play Battle for Evermore, Day by Day (The Hooters), and the theme from the Godfather.