I've had an on-again off-again love affair with my piano, starting when I was about seven years old. I had formal instruction until I was 13 or 14. As an adult, I've mostly tinkered, but kept playing all my old stuff and occasionally trying new stuff, although the music would come out haltingly and I could never memorize anything new. Anyway, I was just starting to get back into daily playing when Katrina brought seven feet of water to our house, where the piano marinated for about 6 days. Needless to say, the piano was one of the uncounted fatalities of Katrina.
Anyhoo, we're just getting around to replacing instruments (my husband lost all of his guitars). Does anybody have any suggestions on books to help me get back into the swing of things? All my old sheet music is gone, so I don't even have the old stand-bys to refresh myself. I took a theory class in college, which improved my playing dramatically. But after three years, I'm not really sure how much I've lost. (if it matters, the most difficult piece I mastered was Chopin's Minute Waltz. After formal instruction, I could usually muddle my way through new pieces, but never mastered anything). I've downloaded some sheet music from the internet, but don't know if I need to work through some instruction books.
I'm not looking for much. It's mostly to play songs for my kids so that they see the importance of learning an instrument. I just want to be able to keep up with these guys: